10 Unexpected Travel Expenses – Holiday Edition

unexpected travel expense
unexpected travel expense

You have been diligent all year in budgeting for your holiday vacation. Now it’s almost here. You are getting excited. Who doesn’t love to travel?

But are you really prepared? Did you budget correctly? There are always going to be unexpected travel expenses…especially during the holiday season.

I want you to be prepared and not run out of money….or worse go into credit card debt because of unexpected travel expenses.

Everyone is usually prepared for the larger crowds during the holidays. You have planned out everything that you want to do. But you need to be prepared for the unexpected.

I always say that you need a backup plan in case something happens. Are you really prepared?

First off congratulations on saving and budgeting for this trip. If you don’t already know, I love a budget:

These will help you get started on taking control of your money. Once you take control of your money, you can plan for great trips.

As you may already know, I recommend saving for a trip in your Sinking Fund. A Sinking Fund is a savings account used for a specific purpose…such as a vacation.

If you are new to travel be sure to check out all my tips to travel on a budget. I am a huge fan of travel. I believe travel is good for you in so many ways.

Now let’s take a look at 10 unexpected travel expenses…

unexpected travel expense


Most people overlook parking costs. This definitely falls under unexpected travel expenses.

If you are flying somewhere, how do you plan to get to the airport? If you plan to drive to the airport, then you will have to pay for parking. During the holiday season, I can guarantee that the economy parking lot will be full.

You might want to think about having a friend or family member drop you off at the airport. If you live close by, you could take an Uber or taxi to the airport. Be sure to weigh out the cost versus parking.

Another unexpected parking cost is hotel parking. If you plan to drive to your destination, you might have to pay for hotel parking. Call the hotel ahead of time and ask. Ask for a discount or join their loyalty program. There may be perks for free parking.

And always remember, that free valet is not free. It is customary to tip.

You want to be sure to budget for this money in your travel expenses.

Departure Taxes

If you plan to travel out of the country, you need to be prepared for departure taxes. This is almost always an unexpected travel expense. I have seen many frantic people at customs trying to come up with the money for a departure tax.

A departure tax is a fee that a country charges for leaving. This typically needs to be paid in cash.

I recommend researching your destination. Find out the cost of their departure tax. You may need to contact their customs and immigration department.

An easy tip is to keep the departure tax with your passport. This way you will not spend the money. It will be available when you need to leave. Do this before you leave for your trip. No surprises.

Wifi/Phone Charges

Nowadays everyone expects to use their phone and internet while on vacation. No one seems to disconnect from the world anymore. Wifi is not always free.

unexpected travel expense

Some hotels offer free wifi, but not everyone. Be sure to check with your hotel or resort ahead of time. If it’s not free, ask if there are any discounts. Discounts can usually be found in loyalty cards or credit card perks. Always ask.

If you are leaving the country, be sure to check with your cell phone service provider. Do they offer a daily rate to use your phone overseas?

This unexpected travel expense can add up ..especially if you are a large family. You might want to try and spend a few days away from your phone…disconnect on vacation. This is the whole point of a vacation.


You would think that food and water would be in your budget. But you would be surprised how much money people spend on food and water during their travel days.

Water costs an insane amount of money in the airport. I always recommend traveling with a water bottle. There are water fillers in every airport…and they are free.

People also underestimate how much they will spend eating in the airport or on the road. We all tend to snack while traveling, and this costs a lot in airports and on the highways.

Be prepared with snacks. Plan ahead. You will be shocked how this unexpected travel expense can add up. Especially if you get delayed. Make sure to budget more for food and drink than you think.

Baggage Fees

Baggage fees can add up during the holidays. Mainly because you are traveling with more stuff. When we travel during the holidays it is colder. You will have more clothes and shoes. You also might be traveling with gifts. This can take up a lot of space.

unexpected travel expense

Be sure to check with the airlines and see what their baggage fees are. You also want to make sure that you do not go over the weight limit. Those fees are huge.

The best way to beat this unexpected expense is by having carry-on luggage. This will cut the fees. The only way to beat the baggage fees is by having an airline loyalty card. These credit cards usually come with free bags. Be sure to check with each airline.

Another trick during the holidays is to mail your gifts ahead of time. This ensures that your gifts won’t get lost… and should save you some money.


Emergencies are generally the things you can’t plan for..but you can be prepared.

Buying travel insurance can help you. Travel insurance can save you from losing all your vacation money.

Travel insurance usually covers:

  • Medical Emergencies
  • Trip Cancellations
  • Medical Evacuations
  • Delays and Interruptions
  • Lost or Stolen Luggage

Be sure to read over all policies to see what they cover. Don’t let an emergency be an unexpected travel expense. Budget for travel insurance when you plan your trip.


Airlines and hotels are overbooked lately, and will be during the holidays. If you did not buy travel insurance, you could have unexpected expenses due to delays or cancellations.

You need to be prepared for extra food costs, hotel costs, and transportation if you encounter a delay or cancellation. Try and have a back up plan, just in case.

Foreign Transaction Fees

If you have never traveled out of the country, then this could be a shock. There are typically foreign transactions on credit cards.

Check with your credit card companies, and see who doesn’t charge these fees. Or better yet, use cash.


unexpected travel expense

Souvenirs can be fun to bring home to friends and family, but the cost can add up. Be sure if you are buying a souvenir that it has meaning.

Don’t let souvenirs become an unexpected travel expense. Souvenirs usually end up in the attic and then eventually they get donated.


If you plan on taking an excursion, make sure it’s worth the money. Make sure it’s something that you want to do. Is it worth the money?

There are lots of free things to do on vacations. Ask the locals. Don’t get pressured into expensive excursions. Stick to your budget.

I hope that these help you get prepared for your holiday vacation. Be sure to slow down and enjoy your time.