Easy Ways to Clean Up Your Diet and Save Money

clean up your diet
clean up your diet

Everyone talks about how expensive it is to eat healthy. I’m here to tell you the opposite. I’m here to give you easy ways to clean up your diet and save money.

It’s really quite simple….

So we have 2 things to answer:

  • How do you clean up your diet?
  • How does this save me money?

First let’s talk about why you are here. You have probably found yourself gaining a few pounds year after year. You have also found yourself short on time for cooking and exercising. We also know that the price of food has skyrocketed.

I’m here to tell you that cleaning up your diet will actually save you time and money.

Eating healthy doesn’t have to break the bank.

In reality, eating junk food is costing you more than you think. Fast food and processed food is horrible for you.

There’s a reason that people are gaining weight. It’s the processed junk they eat. This food also makes you feel horrible.

Now I’m not saying that you should never order that pizza or eat those chicken wings, but not on a regular basis.

As I always say…..

“Health is Wealth”

clean up your diet

This statement is so true. If people would invest time in their health, they would see the benefits….because you don’t want to find out how much it costs to be sick.


Before we talk about the easy ways to clean up your diet, let’s talk about the benefits

Weight Management

Learning to clean up your diet will help you with weight management. When you learn to eat real, whole foods you simplify your eating. You no longer need to count calories.

Nourishing your body with healthy food will naturally help you with weight management. You will be in control of what you put in your body.

More Energy

When you fuel your body with whole foods, you set yourself up for more energy. When your body feels good it thrives.

Removing processed food, sugar, and other inflammatory foods will enrich your body to run well.

When you have more energy, you are more inclined to workout….because you have so much more energy.

clean up your diet

I am a huge fan of walking. Walking is easy to do with a ton of benefits. This will aid in weight management.

You are starting to see how this works as a domino effect.

Better Immune System

When you clean up your diet, your body will naturally have a stronger immune system. Your body will be able to fight off viruses and diseases.

When you have a stronger immune system, you spend less time sick…less time missing work.

Lowers Inflammation

When you clean up your diet your body will have less inflammation. Inflammation is the common denominator in sickness and pain.

Removing inflammatory foods such as seed oils, processed foods, and sugar will naturally decrease inflammation in your body.

When we eat better, we feel better.

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

Edward Stanley

Restful Sleep

So many people are lacking in a good night’s sleep. Insomnia is caused by so many factors.

clean up your diet

When you clean up your diet, you set yourself up for restful sleep. Sleep is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. Our bodies repair and heal while we sleep. Getting 7-9 hours of good sleep will set your day up for success.

As you can see there are countless benefits to eating a clean and healthy diet. You need to invest in yourself. Learning to clean up your diet is one of the best ways.

Now let’s talk about how we can clean up your diet and save money

How To Clean up Your Diet

Meal Planning.

Meal planning is a great way to clean up your diet and save money. When you meal plan, you know what to buy at the store. You only buy what you need.

No impulse buying means less money spent. We tend to waste less food when we plan.

A lot of people think that meal planning has to be difficult and time-consuming. That is not true.

I always recommend simplifying your weekday meal planning. Make it simple. Aim to serve yourself a protein, a fat, and a veggie for every meal.

I like to prep my protein in advance and then add the fats and protein right before the meals.

In my household we tend you use a protein such as chicken for several different meals. You can simplify with a cheap store bought rotisseries chicken. The meal options are endless:

I also tend to make a very large dinner so that we have leftovers for lunch the next day.

Again, make it simple. Save the elaborate meals for the weekend.

Shop the Perimeter

Shop the perimeter of the grocery store….. this means the dairy section, meat section, and produce section.

This means you skip all the processed food in the middle of the store. This food tends to have zero nutritional value. It also costs a lot of money.

Another item to skip is soda and juices. You DO NOT need soda and juices. These items cost a lot of money and will pack on the pounds.

When you don’t buy these items you save money and calories.

You also remove temptation when these items are not available in your house.

This is a win-win.

No Fast Food

clean up your diet

This is self-explanatory…fast food has zero nutritional value. This food is highly inflammatory. It may taste good at the time, but it’s not worth it.

Skipping the drive-thru and fast food will save your household tons of money. The amount of money that people spend on fast food is crazy.

Invest in the grocery store or….

Shop Local

If you live in a town with a farmers market…be sure to check it out.

This is one of your best resources to clean up your diet. Buying locally will save you money also.

You may also live near farms where you can buy meat from. This can be a big saving for many families. I recommend doing some local research.

Now, remember that everything is in moderation. We still treat ourselves to pizza on a Friday night or some chicken wings on a Sunday afternoon.

Find a balance. Find what works for you and your family. This is not a diet. It’s a lifestyle.

You will have some tough weeks where you hit fast food…it’s not the end of the world. Learn to regroup and make a plan that will work for you during the week.