10 Powerful Benefits of Walking Daily 

benefits of walking

Do you feel like you don’t have time to go to the gym? Have you thought about walking, but thought it wasn’t a good enough workout? Well think again…there are many powerful benefits of walking daily. 

If you’ve found my blog, you are probably wondering why a blog about money, has a section on Health? Because I believe that there is no better investment than your health. 

“The greatest wealth is health.” – Virgil

I always incorporate walking into my daily schedule. I like to schedule several small walks a day. I usually commit to an early morning walk with my dog,10 minutes after lunch, and after dinner with my husband. 

benefits of walking daily

Below we will go over the 10 Powerful Benefits of Walking Daily:

  1. Cardiovascular/Heart Health
  2. Burns Calories
  3. Prevents Injury
  4. Boosts Mood
  5. Improves Sleep
  6. Helps Emotional Connections
  7. Boost Immunity
  8. Controls Weight
  9. Aids Digestion/Lower Blood Sugar
  10. Increases Energy Levels.

 Walking has so many amazing benefits. Not to mention, that it’s free. You can do it alone or with friends, family, and/or pets. You can break it up into several small walks a day. You can take a stroll, hike in the woods, or walk up steep hills. There are so many ways to change it up and keep it fun and exciting! 

Cardiovascular/Heart Health

benefits of walking

The first benefit of walking daily is improving your heart health. Walking is one of the easiest exercises for your cardiovascular system. Walking has been shown to improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 

According to research, 15 minutes of walking, can reduce the risk of stroke or a heart attack. Everyone should be able to commit to at least 15 a day. And don’t forget…walking is FREE!

Burns Calories

benefits of walking

Another benefit of walking daily is burning calories. Just 30 minutes of brisk walking can burn up to 150 calories. 

We all know how easy it is to put on a few pounds. Everyone thinks you need to join a gym or commit to hours of working out. But this is not true. Walking is one of the easiest ways to burn calories.

If you are looking to burn extra calories, try and add in some hills or pick up the pace. There are so many ways to keep in shape, by just walking.

Prevents Injury

Are you wondering how walking can help prevent injuries? Another benefit of walking daily is strengthening muscles and bones. As we age, we start to lose muscle. You can combat this by adapting a daily walking routine.

benefits of walking

Walking can also help reverse the effects of sitting all day. Most people are stuck sitting all day due to their job. Getting up and taking a few walking breaks can help. Being stronger can greatly reduce your risk of injury. 

Boosts Mood

A powerful benefit of daily walking is boosting your mood. Exercise has always been known to produce endorphins. Walking helps improve your mood because it causes increased blood flow and circulation. The body will release endorphins that stimulate relaxation. 

Having a relaxed mind can increase your creativity. All these factors just make you feel better. 

Be sure to check out my blog post about how to manage stress.

Improves Sleep

benefits of walking

Sleep improvement is an unknown benefit of walking daily. Insomnia is more common than you think. Insomnia can be caused by poor sleep habits, depression, anxiety, lack of activity, and chronic stress. 

Studies have shown that exercise can enhance deep sleep due to the improvement of your mood. Timing of when you walk can also improve your sleep. Taking an evening walk, especially after dinner, will help get you ready for your sleep cycle. A regular sleep schedule will also help improve your sleep. Find a routine that works for you, and stick with it.

Emotional Connections

benefits of walking

Another benefit of walking daily is improved emotional connections. These relationships can be with your spouse, children, or friends. Going out for a walk can be a great time to connect with someone without any distractions. 

Walking can give you the time to decompress from your day. It also gives you time to have conversations away from any electronics. It’s a great opportunity to share your feelings in a relaxed setting. We already know that walking can improve your mood.

Another great reason to start a daily walking routine. 

Boost Immunity

This is one of the most powerful benefits of a daily walking routine. Boosting your immune system is so important today. 

Implementing daily walking can help your immune cells perform at their best. It does this by reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow. The increase in blood flow helps you produce various types of white blood cells. White blood cells are considered your immune system’s best defense.

Studies have shown that walking can help protect you during cold and flu season. People who walk at least 30 minutes a day, had 43% fewer sick days. 

As I said, health is wealth. And remember walking is FREE!

Controls Weight

benefits of walking

Controlling our weight is another benefit of walking daily. As we age, we tend to gain weight. According to studies, we tend to add 1 to 2 pounds a year.

You can combat this by having a daily walking routine. Daily walking will help to maintain your muscle mass and will also burn calories. Thus making it easier to control your weight. 

Aids Digestion/Lowers Blood Sugar

Another powerful benefit of daily walking is digestion. Walking a few minutes after a meal will help digestion. Walking after a meal has also been proven to lower blood sugar. A quick walk after each meal can be helpful in preventing GI issues and heartburn. 

Increase Energy Levels

benefits of walking

Increasing energy is another benefit of walking daily. Have you ever noticed that you feel energized after a workout? Research shows that walking can be more effective than taking a nap or having a cup of coffee. It has been found to fight fatigue and boost your energy. Who doesn’t want to have more energy?

Have I convinced you to start a daily walking routine? Start out slow. Do 10 minutes after dinner. Add 5 minutes of walking every week, until you are up to 30 minutes of walking a day. 

You owe it to yourself to invest in your health. Find a neighborhood friend who wants to join you on daily walks. Encourage your spouse or children to join you for a short walk. Before you know it, you will be walking daily and enjoying all the benefits of walking.