10 Reasons Travel is Good for You

Reasons travel is good for you
Reasons travel is good for you

If you follow my blog, you know that the main way I like to spend my money is to travel. There are so many reasons travel is good for you.

You may like to spend your money on shopping, restaurants, sports equipment or fancy cars. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it fits your budget. Be sure to check out my post about budgeting and how traveling fits into your budget.

But I’m here to tell you that there are so many reasons that travel is good for you. I think it is a great investment into your well being.

As I like to say:

reasons travel are good for you

I believe that traveling is a great way to invest in yourself. The benefits out way the cost, and if you budget well, it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Check out the 10 Reasons that travel is good for you:

  1. Decreases Stress
  2. Improves Immune System
  3. Inspiration
  4. Create Memories
  5. Rejuvenation
  6. Appreciation
  7. Reconnect
  8. Exploration
  9. Meet New People
  10. Escape

So, you have always loved vacations, but you never knew why they made you feel so great.

There’s the anticipation of planning a trip. The excitement of planning what you will be doing on your trip. Or maybe you prefer to do nothing but sit on a beach and read. I could spend a week sitting in the sun, watching the waves, and be content.

Once you’ve planned a trip, it gives you something to look forward. It helps me keep a positive attitude, especially during those dark and dreary winter months.

You would be surprised how many benefits a vacation can have. Let’s check out the reasons that travel is good for you.

Decreases Stress

reasons travel is good for you

The first reason travel is good for you is that it decreases stress. One of the best reasons to travel is to slow down from your day-to-day life.

So many people suffer from stress and anxiety. We all have so much on our plate with jobs, homes, kids, finances, and more. Travel is a great way to get away from that stress.

The minute that I get on a plane and sit down, I feel like I zone out. You know that feeling when you don’t have a care in the world. It’s like being a kid again.

Improves Immune System

You are probably wondering how travel can improve your health. Well we just talked about how stressed and anxious everyone is. Living with overwhelming amounts of stress takes a toll on our bodies.

Another great reason travel is good for you is it improves our immune system. One way that travel can improve your immune system is by exposing you to different places. Being exposed to different places will increase your antibodies. Thus, you will be able to fight off germs and bacteria.


Another reason travel is good for you is it gives you inspiration. Travel will take you to places that you have never been before. You will be inspired to try new things, new foods, and experience new cultures.

Hopefully these new surroundings will inspire you when your vacation is over. Are you returning home ready to try new things? Think about this the next time you are on vacation. Especially when you go home. I usually notice that I am way more motivated.

Create Memories

Creating memories is another great reason to travel. There is always something from every vacation that I remember. It might be the new friends that we made. Or the first time that we learned how to sail.

Each trip has always imprinted a memory. No matter how big or small, every trip has left me with something that I always think about.


reasons travel is good for you

Rejuvenation is another reason travel is good for you. Rejuvenation means the action or process of giving new energy….to restore something.

This is one of the main reason that I plan trips. Life can be overwhelming. I need these trips to give me a boost.


You might think that this is strange….but appreciation is another great reason travel is good for you.

Travel should give you time to relax. And with that relaxation, it gives you time to appreciate. We all take for granted day-to-day things. We are always hyper-focused on our responsibilities. Having this free time gives you a moment to sit back and appreciate what you have.

Take a minute next time travel, to sit back and appreciate everything that you have.


reasons travel is good for you

Having time to reconnect is another great reason that travel is good for you.

Whether you are traveling with a spouse or significant other, travel is a great time to reconnect. Travel gives you time to slow down, try new things, and create those memories together.

Travel can also help you reconnect with your kids or family. We are all so busy. It’s hard to find the time to spend with family. Time to talk to your kids. Use your vacation as a way to reconnect.

Travel can also be a great way to work on a relationship. Studies find that couples that travel together are more satisfied.


Travel is always a great time to explore. Check out a new city, a new beach, or a new hiking trail.

I always try to do something new when I travel, even if I go to the same places.

Meet New People

Meeting new people is another great reason travel is good for you. My husband and I have made lifelong friends from traveling. You never know who you are going to meet when you travel.

We met some of our best friends on vacation. Since we travel back to the same places a lot, we see these friends every time we visit. We have been invited into people’s homes…and into people’s lives.

For some reason, when we travel we are more open to meeting new people versus being at home.


Travel is essentially escaping. I think this is another great reason to that travel is good for you. We all need to escape the day-to-day. Get away from our responsibilities, and be spontaneous.

If you’ve been putting off traveling, I highly recommend making it a priority. All of the above are great reasons to get traveling.

The great thing about travel is that these benefits aren’t just good during the vacation. I get excited when planning a trip. I reap the benefits while on a trip. And usually, the benefits are long-lasting when I return home from a trip.

Whether you like to go to the same places on your vacations or try new places, get planning today.

You won’t regret it!


  1. Pingback: Travel on a Budget | 10 Simple Ways To Travel on a Budget

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